Deborah Lambert is co-author of Bloomsbury's National Curriculum Outdoors – a complete scheme of work series, written with the aim of building teacher confidence; providing step-by-step lessons for every subject for each year group, with a clear focus on progression in skills and knowledge across the units and key stages. The series, with books for Key Stage 1, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6, supports a whole school approach to outdoor learning. Deborah provided the maths, geography, Art and Design, Design Technology, RE and French units for the series and the Y5 history unit and Y6 English and Science units. The latest (2024) in the series, Sustainability and Climate Change Curriculum Outdoors, provides a handbook for teachers, with key information and a model science & geography curriculum to be delivered outdoors, with folllow up work in the classroom, fully supporting the National Education Nature Parks programme. Deborah wrote the UKS2 units and lesson progressions for chapter 5 and, with co author Michelle Roberts, chapter 2 about whole school sustainability leadership.
Drawing on experience of managing the Playing for Success Education centre at Porthpean Outdoor Education centre, she co-authored a chapter in ‘Children Learning Outside the Classroom; from birth to eleven’ by Sue Waite (SAGE, 2017) specifically chapter 15: Physical Development, Health and Well-Being: the role of Physical Education in which she offers an insight into the development of emotionally resilient learners through Outdoor and Adventurous activities.
Deborah Lambert runs Taking Maths Outdoors providing flexible and creative outdoor training for all curriculum subjects for schools in Cornwall and beyond. Teachers are shown how to use their own school settings and grounds to facilitate the delivery of the National Curriculum outdoors. Training also introduces techniques which promote reconnection; integrating teamwork and PHSE.
A primary teacher for over 35 years, with a wealth of experience as a class teacher of EYFS–KS2 in over 30 primary schools, Special Schools at KS1-4 and as a lecturer in Further Education and Higher Education (FdA, BAAP & ITT lecturer), Deborah is also a ‘Wild Tribe’ and PE trainer for the ARENA Sports Partnership for which she has written and delivered PE schemes of work and maths programmes of study for the Arena Wild Tribe Practitioners award using the medium of Forest School activities to deliver the curriculum outdoors.
Deborah was a network hub leader for North Cornwall as part of Plymouth University's Natural Connections demonstration project, led by Sue Waite, supporting teachers to embed outdoor learning in schools in Cornwall. Deborah also successfully led the Erasmus+ 'Natural Schooling project, which concluded in 2023. The handbook, project evaluation report, lesson plans and a training programme for those wishing to develop a Natural Schooling approach in their own settings, written by Deborah, can be freely downloaded at She is currently chair of the 'Natural Schooling' Research Interest Group (RIG), which meets termly to discuss outdoor learning and provide an international networking opportunity.
Deborah is also a Level 3 OFQUAL certificated First Aid in the Outdoors trainer for World Class Training.
"I just wanted to thank you so much for your amazing workshops and presentation at our Conference a couple of weeks ago. You delivered really inspiring sessions for those teacher delegates and helped make the event a success. Thanks for being so positive and enthusiastic about our little event and bringing a little bit of Outdoor Learning magic to our day.
The feedback so far has been excellent with teachers feeling inspired and more confident.
Hoping that you will be back again to deliver for us next time!
Thank you, we really appreciate you and all the support you have given us."
Surrey Outdoor Learning & Development
If you are interested in Deborah Lambert providing training and support for your setting or event, visit
Debbie Lambert, Co-Author of 'The National Curriculum Outdoors' filmed at High Ashurst, October 2020 Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (S.O.L.D.)
Accredited CPD and INSET courses delivered by authors of Bloomsbury's award winning National Curriculum Outdoors series of books.